2024 Student Exhibition Award Winners

2024 Student Exhibition Award Winners

As an expression of our appreciation and gratitude the school has crafted these awards for our students through support from our Board and Community.

The Coleman Family Scholarship Award – This award is given to a student each year that shows exceptional skill and craft in their work. This award bestows upon the student the credit of 2 classes at the Academy for the upcoming academic year. This award is chosen by the faculty and staff.

The Director’s Scholarship Award – Awarded to a student who shows investment and growth in their artwork. This award bestows upon the student the gift of 1 class for the upcoming academic year. This award is chosen by the Executive Director in consultation with the faculty.

The Dr. & Mrs. Michael Carey Color & Design Award - A financial grant of $250.00 from the Careys towards the study of color theory and design. This gift is awarded to the student who has excelled in their study of color. This award is chosen by the Color and Design instructor.

Faculty Awards - These awards are given to specific students by the faculty who work closely with them. The awards are designed to highlight student achievement and success in our studios across campus.

The 2024 Winners:

The Coleman Family Scholarship Award – Sarita Fonseca

The Director’s Scholarship Award – Sarah LeBlanc

The Dr. & Mrs. Michael Carey Color & Design Award - Lynn Parker

Faculty Awards


Carol Peebles                Josh Domilise

Nell Tilton                       Emily Brown

Zona Wainwright           Gretchen Drennan

Brooke Howell               John Norris

Garth Swanson              Kathy Richard

Andrew Rodgers